Surface Disinfection

Disinfection of surfaces of all kinds

Sanosil disinfectants for surface disinfection

Surface disinfection is an extension of cleaning and goes far beyond simply removing dirt in terms of hygiene. The term surface disinfection is defined as the „inactivation and reduction of pathogenic microorganisms to a non-infectious level.“ This means that even with successful disinfection, some microorganisms always remain on the surfaces, which can then quickly multiply again. An ideal surface disinfectant, therefore, not only has an acute effect but also has a certain „preservative effect“ to counteract rapid recontamination.

The time-tested Sanosil disinfectants of the S-line possess precisely these characteristics. As a „bonus,“ Sanosil disinfectant products are virtually odorless. Therefore, a disinfected room does not smell like a hospital pharmacy, which many users greatly appreciate.


Areas of application for Sanosil products in surface disinfection

Sanosil surface disinfection: versatile applications

Surface disinfection in the medical and care sector

Surface disinfection in the medical field is one of the most critical components of infection control, alongside thorough cleaning. Regular and thorough disinfection of surfaces can reduce potentially dangerous germs and pathogens to safe levels. This helps minimize the risk of infection and create a safe environment for patients and medical staff. Careful selection and application of the appropriate disinfectant are crucial to achieving optimal results and ensuring hygiene in the medical field.

Sanosil disinfectants provide an excellent basis for a successful hygiene concept and the reduction of nosocomial infections (infections acquired during treatment in a healthcare facility). Thanks to the rapid oxidizing action of boosted hydrogen peroxide in the Sanosil P-Line and the long-term effect of the products in the S-Line, the risks of developing resistance are very low. Due to the absence of strong odors or odorlessness when applied to surfaces, these Sanosil disinfection products enjoy broad acceptance among personnel and patients. The possibility of surface disinfection through spraying and/or wiping is ideally complemented by 3D room disinfection according to AFNOR or EN 17272 through suitable spraying devices.


Sanosil disinfectants for facility management

Effective surface disinfection following the cleaning of contact points in facility management is crucial for maintaining a clean and hygienic environment, not only during flu season. Regular disinfection of surfaces allows for the maintenance of high hygiene standards and reduces the risks of contagious diseases. Especially in barefoot areas of sports facilities, thorough surface disinfection is essential for minimizing the risk of infection from foot and skin fungi.

Other important applications in building maintenance include combating germs in ventilation and air conditioning systems (HVAC) and eliminating mold in indoor spaces. Sanosil disinfectants are particularly well-suited for surface disinfection in such areas. Depending on the product, Sanosil offers broad efficacy against bacteria, yeasts, viruses, fungi, and spores, ensuring comprehensive disinfection. Sanosil’s disinfection solutions are therefore ideal for use in facility management and meet high hygiene and safety requirements.

Surface disinfection in the pharmaceutical industry and bio/microbiology laboratories

Surface disinfection plays a crucial role in the pharmaceutical industry and research laboratories to maintain cleanrooms and work areas free from microbiological contamination. Thorough disinfection of surfaces is especially essential in microbiology laboratories to prevent cross-contamination and ensure the safety of employees and products.

Sanosil disinfectants are particularly well-suited for these demanding environments. They provide high and long-lasting efficacy against a variety of microorganisms, thus ensuring comprehensive surface disinfection. Sanosil disinfectants are highly suitable for use in cleanrooms and laboratories, meeting not only strict requirements for quality and effectiveness but also being significantly more environmentally friendly than, for example, phenols or aldehydes.

Sanosil’s disinfection solutions are easy to apply, generally well-tolerated with the materials commonly found in laboratories, and ensure effective disinfection without compromising the integrity of sensitive equipment or products. With Sanosil disinfectants, the pharmaceutical industry and microbiology laboratories can maintain a safe and hygienic environment.


Disinfection of surfaces and equipment in the food industry

In the food industry, preventing food poisoning and infections caused by pathogens such as Salmonella or Listeria is crucial. Thorough cleaning and disinfection of surfaces where food is processed are therefore of utmost importance.

However, the use of disinfectants also poses the problem of residues on food-processing surfaces. These residues can affect the quality of food and pose potential risks to consumer health.

Therefore, it is essential to choose disinfectants specifically suitable for use in the food industry that leave no harmful residues after rinsing. Sanosil disinfectants meet these requirements ideally. They can be safely applied to various surfaces in food processing, including production equipment, refrigeration rooms, and work surfaces. They offer broad efficacy against various microorganisms and help minimize the risk of food poisoning.

Disinfectants for use in livestock farming and veterinary medicine

In animal health and veterinary medicine, effective surface disinfection serves the purpose of preventing the spread of diseases and infections. Maintaining good stable hygiene is essential, not least to minimize the use of antibiotics. However, when selecting disinfectants for stable disinfection, it is also important to consider their environmental impact.

Compared to phenol and aldehyde products, the use of Sanosil disinfectants offers a significantly more environmentally friendly solution. Sanosil disinfectants are based on boosted hydrogen peroxide, which rapidly decomposes into water and oxygen. The use of Sanosil disinfectants in livestock farming thus ensures a safe and hygienic environment for animals and staff.