Sanosil Disinfectants: Highly Effective and Environmentally Friendly
Flexible use products for all disinfection needs in poultry and livestock farming: water, surfaces and air
Flexible use products for all disinfection needs in poultry and livestock farming: water, surfaces and air
Sanosil farm disinfectants are most frequently used for:
Disinfection of surfaces in the stable / animal breeding area by spray applications
Disinfection of water, water systems and drinking equipment
Disinfection of surfaces and air in the stable / animal breeding area with hot mist application
High-concentration disinfectant for surface, water, and room disinfection in animal stables
Hiding place and shelter for germs of all kinds
Biofilms are slimy coatings that form in water systems in a short time. They consist of various microorganisms and offer the germs living in them largely protection against conventional disinfectants.
Sanosil disinfectants have a unique mechanism of action against biofilms. As a result, the effect in germ-infested systems is significantly better than with other products. Regular treatments with Sanosil products keep water systems and drinking equipment free of biofilms and water germs.
Sanosil products offer you reliability and safety
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