Laboratory Wastewater & Liquid Waste inactivation

Disinfection of laboratory wastewater and liquid waste

Sanosil Laboratory (83)

Case study: Inactivating Liquid Waste

Microbiology Laboratory, Switzerland: Preventing 200 liters of aldehyde and QAC products per year in wastewater

„We are legally obligated to inactivate our biologically contaminated liquid waste before disposal via the sewer system. To minimize environmental impact, we have switched from an aldehyde and QAC product to Sanosil S015.“

To case study

Liquid Waste and Laboratory Wastewater Inactivation – Why?

The inactivation of contaminated waste is a crucial aspect to minimize the release of organisms from a laboratory or similar facility, thereby eliminating risks to human health and the environment. The Containment Ordinance (ESV) stipulates that organisms must be rendered harmless for Class 1 activities and must be inactivated for activities classified as Class 2-4.

The  Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (BAFU) recommends laboratories from BSL2 onwards to collect liquid waste using suction flasks, perform on-site chemical inactivation, followed by autoclaving. Autoclaving may be omitted for biosafety levels 1-3 under certain circumstances, provided that chemical inactivation with comparable effectiveness can render cultures, enrichments of microorganisms, and any potentially contaminated waste inert (Levels 2 and 3) or harmless (Level 1) on-site.


From a microbiological point of view, chemically inactivated liquids can be safely disposed of in the environment if people and the environment are protected from hazards and adverse effects during disposal – in accordance with ESV 44. The contamination with chemical substances must comply with the legal requirements for water protection and should be kept as low as possible.

The disinfectant Sanosil S015 meets these requirements in terms of effectiveness and environmental protection and is therefore ideally suited for the inactivation of liquid waste.

Sanosil S015 for Inactivating Liquid Waste and Laboratory Wastewater

Sanosil S015

Disinfectant (non-hazardous) for liquid waste and laboratory wastewater

  • Effective water/wastewater disinfection with long-lasting effect
  • CH-BAG biocide product approval for PT 2.4 (hospital waste/wastewater)
  • Disposal via sewage system possible/allowed (AWEL List Category A)
  • Can be autoclaved in application concentration

Documents and Media

Broschüre-S015 Laborabwasser-EN
Merkblatt-AWEL Laborabwasser Inaktivierung-EN

Disinfection / inactivation of laboratory liquid waste: legal regulations

The inactivation of microbiologically contaminated waste is crucial to minimize the release of organisms from the laboratory and to prevent risks to human health and the environment. The Containment Ordinance (ESV) stipulates that organisms must be rendered harmless for Class 1 activities and must be inactivated for activities classified as Class 2-4.

The Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (BAFU) recommends laboratories from BSL2 onwards to collect liquid waste and contaminated laboratory wastewater using suction flasks, perform on-site chemical inactivation, followed by autoclaving.

Autoclaving may be omitted for biosafety levels 1-3 under certain circumstances, provided that chemical inactivation with comparable effectiveness can render cultures, enrichments of microorganisms, and any potentially contaminated waste inert (Levels 2 and 3) or harmless (Level 1) on-site.



Liquid waste inactivation: individual method validation

However, since liquid wastes can vary in chemical composition, quantity, and types of microorganisms present, the chosen method (with or without autoclaving, appropriate dosage, exposure time, etc.) must always be individually validated. Our recommendations for the use of Sanosil S015 for disinfecting cell cultures and liquid wastes are based on thorough experiments and practical experience but may vary in specific cases.

Successfully validating the method with „house wastewater“ or liquid waste ensures compliance with all legal regulations.

Sanosil S015: boosted hydrogen peroxide for the disinfection of cell cultures and laboratory waste water

Sanosil S015 is a proven disinfectant for water and water system disinfection, as well as for the inactivation of wastewater and liquid wastes (Pt 2.4). Sanosil S015 is relatively easy to handle for disinfecting liquid laboratory wastes: non-hazardous, non-flammable, does not produce noxious vapors, and is not subject to special storage and transportation regulations.

It can be autoclaved at application concentrations, can be disposed of through domestic wastewater channels (AWEL List Category A), and is therefore highly suitable for the chemical inactivation of liquid laboratory wastes.

The active ingredient is hydrogen peroxide, which is additionally stabilized and catalytically enhanced in its disinfecting effect by a minimal amount of silver ions, boosting its effectiveness by up to 800%. After application, hydrogen peroxide completely decomposes into water and oxygen, significantly reducing its impact on sewage treatment plants and the environment compared to quaternary ammonium compounds or aldehydes. Unlike bromine- or chlorine-containing products, Sanosil S015 does not form trihalomethanes. This makes Sanosil S015 an ideal product for disinfecting laboratory wastewater.