GMP Pharma & Labor Disinfection

Surface disinfection in bio-laboratories and GMP rooms

Sanosil Laboratory (62)

Case Study: Surface Disinfection in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Vaccine manufacturer, Switzerland:
„For our production areas, strict hygiene regulations apply. This includes a regular rotation of oxidizing and non-oxidizing surface disinfectants to prevent microbial resistance.
Sanosil S010 meets our requirements for an oxidizing, sporocidal surface disinfectant perfectly. The product also leaves no slippery or sticky residues, which is often the case with other products.“

To case study

Surface Disinfection in Laboratory and Pharmaceutical Settings

High hygiene standards have always been crucial in laboratory and pharmaceutical settings. These standards ensure a hygienic environment, protect the safety of employees and samples, and safeguard pharmaceutical products from contamination. Various surfaces such as production rooms, workspaces, equipment, laboratory benches, and containment units must be regularly disinfected to eliminate potentially harmful microorganisms and contaminants.

These efforts are critical to maintaining the integrity of research activities, production processes, and quality standards, thereby ensuring the health and safety of employees and consumers alike. It is essential to use high-quality disinfectants and suitable application methods, especially when dealing with challenging microorganisms such as bacterial endospores. In this regard, selected Sanosil disinfection products have consistently excelled for years in fulfilling their role within every hygiene protocol.


Sanosil disinfectants for use in the laboratory and pharmaceutical sector: always a good choice

  • Top-quality products with boosted hydrogen peroxide
  • No known microbiological resistance development
  • Non-flammable, practically odorless
  • Suitable for disinfection of water, surfaces, and air (whole-room disinfection)
  • Highly effective – certified according to stringent EU standards
  • Products manufactured under ISO 13485 Medical Standard available

Products for Use in GMP Pharma and Microbiology

Sanosil SD1

Ready-to-use disinfectant for surfaces - very fast-acting

  • Fast-acting against bacteria, yeasts, and enveloped viruses (including Norovirus)
  • Easy and safe application (ready to use), foamable for aerosol-free spraying
  • Excellent wetting effect on all surfaces
  • Enhanced with synergistic hydrogen peroxide (H2O2 breaks down to water and oxygen)

Sanosil S003

Ready-to-use disinfectant with depot effect for surfaces

  • Effective against bacteria, enveloped viruses, yeasts, and fungi
  • Long-lasting depot effect (inhibits germ growth)
  • Leaves no sticky surfaces and causes no unpleasant odors
  • With catalytically enhanced hydrogen peroxide (H2O2 decomposes into water and oxygen)

Sanosil S010

Ready-to-use specialized disinfectant with depot effect for highly contaminated and organically loaded surfaces

  • Extra strong action against bacteria, viruses, yeasts, fungi, and spores
  • Long-lasting depot effect (inhibits germ growth)
  • Leaves no sticky surfaces and causes no unpleasant odors
  • With catalytically enhanced hydrogen peroxide (H2O2 decomposes into water and oxygen)

Sanosil S015

Disinfectant (non-hazardous) for liquid waste and laboratory wastewater

  • Effective water/wastewater disinfection with long-lasting effect
  • CH-BAG biocide product approval for PT 2.4 (hospital waste/wastewater)
  • Disposal via sewage system possible/allowed (AWEL List Category A)
  • Can be autoclaved in application concentration

Documents and Media


Disinfection and Hygiene in GMP Laboratories, Research, and Pharmaceutical Industry

 Surface disinfection in emergencies: Spill kits

Handling and transporting microbiologically contaminated liquids can lead to spills or the release of pathogens. Therefore, spill kits play a crucial role in microbiology labs by enabling quick and effective responses to accidental spills of biological samples. These kits contain a selection of specialized tools and materials designed to safely and efficiently absorb spilled liquids and decontaminate the environment.

Typically, spill kits include absorbent materials for quickly soaking up liquids. They also usually contain gloves, safety goggles, aprons, and other personal protective equipment. For optimal containment of biologically contaminated materials, strong sporicidal disinfectants like Sanosil S010 in appropriate spray bottles are suitable. This allows infectious materials to be treated immediately after a spill, minimizing the spread of pathogens during cleanup.

By swiftly and effectively deploying spill kits with Sanosil S010, potential contamination of work surfaces, equipment, and surroundings in microbiology laboratories is reduced. This ensures the integrity of samples and the safety of laboratory personnel.




Regular cleaning and disinfection of work surfaces in microbiology laboratories is essential for several reasons:

  • Prevention of Contamination: Regular cleaning prevents potential contaminations. This helps avoid unwanted transfer of microbes or substances from one sample to another (cross-contamination).
  • Ensuring Accurate Results: Clean and germ-free work surfaces enable more precise results in microbiological tests and experiments.
  • Protection of Personnel: Regular cleaning and surface disinfection reduce the risk of disease transmission within the laboratory. Microbiology labs may contain potentially hazardous microbes or substances. Disinfection helps inactivate these microbes, minimizing infection risks for personnel.
  • Prevention of External Contamination: Thorough cleaning of work surfaces helps prevent microbes or substances from the lab from entering the environment. This reduces the risk of accidental release or unintended transmission of pathogens to other areas.

The use of Sanosil disinfectants in wiping or aerosol disinfection with Q-Jet devices helps meet these requirements effectively.

Inactivation of liquid waste and contaminated samples

The inactivation of liquid waste and contaminated samples is a crucial step in minimizing the risk of microbial spread, especially during transport to the autoclave after use. Microbiological samples such as Rodac plates, nutrient media, ELISA wastewater, etc., are typically sterilized by autoclaving before disposal. However, prior biological inactivation of these liquids and materials reduces the risk of unintentional release of microbes during transport.

Sanosil disinfectants have proven effective for this purpose because they:

  • a) can be easily autoclaved,
  • b) (especially Sanosil S010 / S015) have been successfully tested for efficacy against all types of microbes,
  • c) offer excellent cost-effectiveness, and
  • d) can be disposed of via wastewater systems in standard quantities due to their relatively good environmental compatibility.

These properties make Sanosil disinfectants a reliable choice for pretreating and inactivating contaminated materials in microbiological laboratories before undergoing final sterilization through autoclaving.