Surface Disinfection in Medical & Healthcare Setting

Disinfection of surfaces in the medical and healthcare sector

Sanosil Medical Disinfection (47)

Case Study: Surface Disinfection in a Nursing Home

Retirement and nursing home, Switzerland: No more hospital odor after disinfection

„Many of our residents have compromised immune systems. Regular cleaning and disinfection of critical surfaces are therefore of utmost importance. The disinfectants used by Sanosil not only have a good efficacy spectrum (including noroviruses) but are also practically odorless. This is especially appreciated by both residents and staff.“

To case study

Surface Disinfection in Medical and Healthcare Settings

Due to the significant increase in antibiotic-resistant bacteria in care facilities, surface disinfection in medical and care settings is becoming increasingly important. Every prevented infection saves lives and enhances the safety of patients and staff. Regular and proper disinfection of surfaces reduces pathogens to safe levels and minimizes the risk of infections in healthcare facilities.

It is crucial to use high-quality disinfectants and appropriate application methods. Following the motto „prevention is better than cure,“ the proven Sanosil disinfection products have been exemplary in fulfilling their role in every hygiene concept for years.


Sanosil disinfectants in the medical sector: a great choice!

  • Top-quality products with boosted hydrogen peroxide
  • Non-flammable, virtually odorless
  • For water, surfaces, and air (whole room disinfection)
  • Highly effective – certified according to strict EU standards
  • Products manufactured under ISO 13485 Medical Standard available
  • Good material compatibility

Geeignete Produkte für die Flächendesinfektion im Medizin- und Pflegebereich

Visually clean, pre-cleaned surfaces

Sanosil S003

Ready-to-use disinfectant with depot effect for surfaces

  • Effective against bacteria, enveloped viruses, yeasts, and fungi
  • Long-lasting depot effect (inhibits germ growth)
  • Leaves no sticky surfaces and causes no unpleasant odors
  • With catalytically enhanced hydrogen peroxide (H2O2 decomposes into water and oxygen)

Sanosil SD1

Ready-to-use disinfectant for surfaces - very fast-acting

  • Fast-acting against bacteria, yeasts, and enveloped viruses (including Norovirus)
  • Easy and safe application (ready to use), foamable for aerosol-free spraying
  • Excellent wetting effect on all surfaces
  • Enhanced with synergistic hydrogen peroxide (H2O2 breaks down to water and oxygen)

Surfaces with elevated hygiene requirements


S006 EN

Sanosil S006

Ready-to-use disinfectant with depot effect for surfaces with elevated hygiene requirements

  • Effective against bacteria, yeasts, enveloped viruses, Norovirus, and fungi
  • Long-lasting depot effect (inhibits germ growth)
  • Leaves no sticky surfaces and causes no unpleasant odors
  • With catalytically enhanced hydrogen peroxide (H2O2 decomposes into water and oxygen)

Sanosil SD3

Ready-to-use disinfectant with very rapid action for surfaces with elevated hygiene requirements

  • Fast-acting against bacteria, yeasts, fungi, and enveloped viruses (including Norovirus)
  • Easy and safe application (ready to use), foaming for aerosol-free spraying
  • Excellent wetting effect on all surfaces
  • With synergistically enhanced hydrogen peroxide (H2O2 decomposes into water and oxygen)


Specialized disinfectants for highly contaminated surfaces


Sanosil S010

Ready-to-use specialized disinfectant with depot effect for highly contaminated and organically loaded surfaces

  • Extra strong action against bacteria, viruses, yeasts, fungi, and spores
  • Long-lasting depot effect (inhibits germ growth)
  • Leaves no sticky surfaces and causes no unpleasant odors
  • With catalytically enhanced hydrogen peroxide (H2O2 decomposes into water and oxygen)

Sanosil SD7

Ready-to-use sporocidal disinfectant with very rapid action for surfaces with elevated hygiene requirements

  • Fast action against bacteria, yeasts, fungi, enveloped viruses (including Norovirus), and spores
  • Easy and safe application (ready to use), foaming for aerosol-free spraying
  • Excellent wetting effect on all surfaces
  • With synergistically enhanced hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) decomposes into water and oxygen)

Documents and Media


Disinfection and Hygiene in the Medical Sector

Surface disinfection in the medical sector: spectrum of effectiveness

Whenever a product is used for surface disinfection, attention must be paid to its tested effectiveness. This ensures that the targeted germs can be effectively reduced. The following effectiveness levels are distinguished:

  • Bactericidal: A surface disinfectant with bactericidal action is capable of killing bacteria or inhibiting their growth. It is used to eliminate a wide range of bacterial strains and prevent the spread of infections. If a disinfectant is classified as bactericidal, it includes antibiotic-resistant strains such as MRSA, VRE, ESBL, or CRE.
  • Levurocidal: A levurocidal agent is effective against yeasts. One well-known pathogenic yeast is Candida albicans.
  • Fungicidal: A fungicidal disinfectant eliminates fungi and prevents fungal infections (mycoses). Examples include mold fungi such as Aspergillus, as well as skin fungi like Trichophyton or Tinea.
  • Sporicidal: Under unfavorable conditions, bacteria begin to transform into highly resistant dormant forms known as spores. These spores are much more challenging to combat than „live“ bacteria. A sporicidal agent kills spores or prevents their germination. Examples of bacterial spores include Bacillus cereus or Clostridium perfringens.

Effectiveness against viruses

The effectiveness against viruses is somewhat complex, as three different classifications are distinguished:

  • Virucidal: A virucidal agent inactivates or deactivates enveloped viruses and the more challenging to combat non-enveloped viruses by blocking their infectious activity. For example, it must be effective against the influenza virus (enveloped) or hepatitis (Picornoviridae, non-enveloped).
  • Limited virucidal: A limited virucidal agent has been proven to act against enveloped viruses such as coronaviruses, HIV, or influenza. Enveloped viruses are significantly easier to inactivate than non-enveloped viruses.
  • Limited virucidal plus: A „limited virucidal plus“ agent is more effective than a product classified as „limited virucidal“ and can inactivate both enveloped viruses and some selected non-enveloped viruses such as norovirus.

Surface disinfection: Spraying vs. wiping

Among inexperienced users, the spraying method for surface disinfection remains widely practiced. However, a few simple sprays are not sufficient for thorough disinfection of surfaces:

  • The surface must be completely wetted through spraying alone, which is rarely achieved in practice.
  • Extensive spraying leaves aerosols in the air, which is detrimental to the health of staff and patients. (Sanosil P-Line disinfectants are ideally applied as foam, significantly reducing aerosol formation.)
  • Spraying alone reduces the penetration or „depth of impact“ of the disinfectant, especially if there are residual dirt particles on the surface.

For these reasons, whenever possible, surface disinfection should be complemented by wiping with wipes (e.g., pre-soaked SanoWipes). The spray-wipe method allows for better surface wetting, conserves disinfectant, and offers a significantly better efficacy profile compared to spray-only applications without mechanical action.



Advantages of disinfectants with hydrogen peroxide in the medical sector

Hydrogen peroxide-based disinfectants, such as Sanosil products with boosted hydrogen peroxide, possess several important characteristics:

  • Resistance development is greatly limited. Although microorganisms can theoretically develop some tolerance by producing enzymes like peroxidase or catalase, this mechanism is highly restricted, especially when hydrogen peroxide is further enhanced by catalytic additives.
  • In contrast, non-oxidizing products like quaternary ammonium compounds pose a much greater risk of microbiological resistance development, necessitating regular product changes.
  • Environmental and staff health: Hydrogen peroxide breaks down into water and oxygen. This results in a significantly better environmental profile compared to substances like phenols, cresols, or aldehydes, which contain problematic compounds.
  • Hydrogen peroxide-based Sanosil products are non-flammable and do not emit flammable vapors.
  • Sanosil disinfectants with boosted hydrogen peroxide are virtually odorless.